關於 Storm Collectibles -《街頭霸王V》「赤目司令」M.Bison 1/12 可動人偶:
以推出殭屍、泰臣等高像真度1/6人偶而知名的本地品牌Storm Collectibles ,將與Capcom合作推出全新的《街頭霸王V》1/12 系列人偶,而繼阿隆Ryu1/12 可動人偶後,在早前的"Toy Fair 2016 NY " 中展出的赤目司令(Vega/M. Bison) 亦正式發佈!
Storm Collectibles 「赤目司令」M.Bison 1/12 可動人偶以《街頭霸王V》中的設定為造形,人偶全高18.4cm,超過30個可動點,並配有三款不同表情的換面組件、多款不同替換手型、漂浮狀態的披肩、兩個精神力量(Psycho Power)及一款( Psycho Axe )的特效配件,與及印上Street Fighter V Logo 的可動支架地台。而在最新更新中,官方更追加「司令」的招牌翹手手型為配件。
M. Bison (Vega - in Japan) first appearance in Street Fighter II as the final boss, also acting as the primary antagonist and the most iconic villain in the Street Fighter series.
“Now, face the mighty Bison!”
“Bow down before my Psycho Power!” - M. Bison.
Storm Collectibles presents the official Street Fighter V - M. Bison Action Figure, we are bringing our 1:6 scale high quality into the 1:12 scale action figure - recreating M. Bison from video game to real life. The figure is approximately 184mm tall, with over 30 points of joint that able to pose M. Bison iconic special moves.
- 3 x Interchangeable Facial Expression
- 2 x Psycho Power effect
- 1 x Psycho Axe effect
- 1 x Interchangeable Flying Motion Cape
- 4 x Pairs of Exchangeable Palms
- 1 x Stand with Street Fighter V logo
- Interchangeable Folded arms
▼Accessories Part1 配件1
▼Accessories Part2 配件2
▼正面 Front
▼Face Interchangeable 替換臉型
▼Shoulder Movement 肩部可動性
▼Remove the Arms 手臂可替換
▼Folded Arms「司令」的招牌翹手手型
▼Assemble the Folded Arms裝著
▼Separate 分體!
▼Normal Cape & Flying Motion Cape 披肩及漂浮狀態的披肩
▼Pull the joint down to lock up 髖關節可向下推一格以便鎖實
▼Interchanging Hands/Fists&Effect Parts 多對可換手型及特效
▼Special Effect Parts Assembling (Psycho Axe) 必殺技裝著
▼Special Effect Parts Assembling (Psycho Power) 必殺技裝著
▼Stand with Street Fighter V 《街頭霸王V》logo 地台
▼Length & Angle Adjustmen t可調校高度及角度
評分scores :
頭雕 Head sculpt :★★★
外形 Shape :★★★½
配件Accessory :★★★★★
